Swann HomeSafe View Complete Installation Guide

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Swann HomeSafe View Complete Installation Guide, HomeSafe View: Live Swann CCTV viewing on your iPhone and iPad HomeSafe View supports the following features:

Multi-channel viewing with up to 16 cameras on screen at the same time (16ch view works best on iPads)

Play back stored recordings from your DVR on your handset or tablet (requires high upload speed internet)

Change settings on your DVR or NVR in app

Capture video from your camera live view to your iPhone to play back later

Capture single and multi still images and save these to your iPhone’s picture library

Control PTZ (pan, tilt, zoom) cameras remotely

Table of Contents

Export recordings on HomeSafe View software

Choosing a download path

1.Open HomeSafe View software – if you don’t have the software yet, download it from the articles below:


2. Click Control Panel and select System Configuration.

• If there was no Control Panel available, just select System at the top then System Configuration.

3. Choose File.

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Take note of the Saving Path of Video Files – you can also change the path by clicking the arrow next to it.

4. Choose AVI – to assure that the file is playable on the computer, choose AVI under Download Record Type.

5. Click Save – to save your changes.

6. Close the window.

Swann HomeSafe View Complete Installation Guide

Searching recordings


1. Open HomeSafe View and go to Control Panel.

2. Click on Remote Playback.

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3. Choose a camera – put a tick or a check next to the camera or cameras you want to see.

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4. Choose a Stream Type – Mainstream can give higher image quality but may take a while to load while Substream can load faster but with lesser image quality.

5. Choose a file type – choose the type of recording you want to see. you can leave it on All to show all recorded files.
6. Set a date – choose a month, year, then the date that you want to search.
7. Click on Search to start searching recordings. Select a date that has an orange triangle in the bottom right corner. This means there are recordings on that date.


8. Click Play – this will play the very first video on the timeline.

9. Pick a time – once a video is playing, click an area on the timeline below to select a specific time of the day.

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Downloading recordings

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1. Click Download icon – once a video is playing, hover your mouse pointer on it then click the Download button at the bottom right.


2. Select a file – it will then show you a list of files for that day on the selected camera. Select the recordings you want to download by putting a tick or a check next to it.

3. Click Download – this will start downloading the file.

Export recordings to a USB (HomeSafe View)

Connect the USB flash drive to the unit

Ensure that you use a USB memory stick or flash drive (not external HDD) that has a capacity of 32GB or lower.

Search for recordings

1.Access MENU then proceed to Search then Events.
2.Choose a channel – pick one from the dropdown list.
3.Set the Type – ‘All’ is recommended so all types of recordings are visible (continuous or motion).
4.Choose a Start and End time – the timeframe in which the recorder will search.
5.Click Search.

Exporting recordings

1.Choose a file – place a tick in the box (check) in the left column to choose a file. Selecting multiple files is possible.
2.Click Backup.
3.Choose a Backup type – to ensure that the footage will be easily playable on a PC, choose MP4.

NOTE: Pay attention to the total footage size shown below and the capacity of the flash drive you are using.

4.Click Save.
5.Click on OK – by default, it will be saved on the root folder of the flash drive. You have the option to choose a specific folder if you prefer.

HomeSafe View app access for V7 units


Installing HomeSafe View app

1.To download the app, go to your Playstore or App store and search for HomeSafe View.
a.If for some reason you can’t search it, go to https://swann.com/download-apps/
b.Look for the HomeSafe View, then tap ‘For Android Devices’ or ‘For iOS devices’. If the app is missing, go to HomeSafe View Android app for the alternative.
2.Open HomeSafe View app once the installation is done.


Changing stream settings

For smooth live streaming, it is highly suggested to use MobileStream or Substream when playing the videos. We will also need to set the mobilestream’s or substream’s bitrate to its lowest for the unit not to consume too much bandwidth.

1.Go to MENU then proceed to RECORD > MobileStream.
• If there is no MobileStream on your unit, please click HERE instead.
2.Choose a channel on Channel.
3.Set the Bitrate to its lowest possible bitrate.
NOTE: lowest bitrate varies depending on the DVR or NVR.
4.Click on Save to save the settings.
5.Re-do the steps for other channels then proceed HERE.


1.Go to MENU then proceed to RECORD > Substream.
2.Choose a channel on Channel.
3.Set the Bitrate to its lowest possible bitrate.
NOTE: lowest bitrate varies depending on the DVR or NVR.
4.At the bottom, make sure it shows Copy CH1 To All for us to copy the settings of channel 1 to all channels. Click on Copy.
5.Click on Save to save the settings then proceed HERE.


Getting network information

1.Access the MENU and go to NETWORK > Network.
2.Make sure that it is on DHCP.
• If it is not, choose DHCP then click on Save.
3.Check what the Client Port is. By default, it is 09000.
4.Now go to SYSTEM > Info. You can write the P2P ID to have your own copy in case you’re away from the unit.


Testing internet connection on the phone

1.In case you skipped installing HomeSafe View app because you already have the app, we need to make sure that there is still internet connection on the phone.
2.To do so, best if you can stream online videos like YouTube just to check your connectivity.


Adding the device and viewing it on the app


1.Tap the 3-bar icon located at the upper left corner of your screen.
2.Tap on Device.
3.Tap the + icon to add a device which is in the upper right corner.
4.Input the information it needs.
a.Device Name: <any name>
b.Login Type: Device ID
c.Device ID: <tap the QR code image and scan the code on top of your DVR; you can also manually type it but make sure letters are on UPPERCASE>
d.Media Port: 9000
e.User Name: admin
f.Password: <password you set to your recorder>
5.Once you’re done, tap on Save at the upper right.
6.It will show a message from Connecting… to Connected, wait for a few seconds, and Live View will automatically show and load the first 4 cameras.
a.If it shows a different error message, try rebooting your DVR or NVR and router or modem.
b.Close the app then open it again.


HomeSafe View Phone App QSGs & Manuals

Electronic copies of the HomeSafe View phone app documentation is now available.


This video will show you how to set up your mobile device to view your cameras remotely.




How to access the DVR or NVR using HomeSafe View app using Online Device?

Installing HomeSafe View app

1.To download the app, go to your Playstore or App store and search for HomeSafe View.
a.If for some reason you can’t search it, go to http://www.swann.com/us/apps
b.Look for the HomeSafe View, then tap ‘For Android Devices’ or ‘For iOS devices’
2.Open HomeSafe View once installation is done.


Changing stream settings

For smooth live streaming, it is highly suggested to use MobileStream or Substream when playing the videos. We will also need to set the mobilestream’s or substream’s bitrate to its lowest for the unit not to consume too much bandwidth.

1.Go to MENU then proceed to RECORD > MobileStream.
• If there is no MobileStream on your unit, please click HERE instead.
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2.Choose a channel on Channel.
3.Set the Bitrate to its lowest possible bitrate.
NOTE: lowest bitrate varies depending on the DVR or NVR.
4.Click on Save to save the settings.
5.Re-do the steps for other channels then proceed HERE.


1.Go to MENU then proceed to RECORD > Substream.
2.Choose a channel on Channel.
3.Set the Bitrate to its lowest possible bitrate.
NOTE: lowest bitrate varies depending on the DVR or NVR.
4.At the bottom, make sure it shows Copy CH1 To All for us to copy the settings of channel 1 to all channels. Click on Copy.
5.Click on Save to save the settings then proceed HERE.


Getting network information

1.Access the MENU and go to NETWORK > Network.
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2.Make sure that it is on DHCP.
a.If it is not, choose DHCP then click on Save.
3.Check what the Client Port is. By default, it is 09000.
4.Now go to SYSTEM > Info. You can write the P2P ID to have your own copy in case you’re away from the unit.

Testing internet connection on the phone

1.In case you skipped installing HomeSafe View app because you already have the app, we need to make sure that there is still internet connection on the phone.
2.To do so, best if you can stream online videos like YouTube just to check your connectivity.


Adding the device and viewing it on the app

1.Tap the 3-bar icon located at the upper left corner of your screen.
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2.Tap on Device List.
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3.Tap the + icon to add a device which is at the upper right corner then choose Online Device.
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4.Your recorder will be detected, tap to select.
5.At this point, you just need to put your recorder’s password. You can still change the Device Name to anything that you like. Once you’re done, tap on Save at the upper right.
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6.It will show a message from Connecting… to Connected, wait for a few seconds, and Live view will automatically show and load the first 4 cameras.

If it shows a different error message, try rebooting your DVR or NVR and router or modem.

Close the app then open it again.

How to Access Your Recorder using HomeSafe View on PC and Mac

Download link

Adding the DVR to the software

1.Open HomeSafe View. Look for this icon.
2.If it asks you to login, just click on Login and type in the password you set for the software (default blank).
3.Under Control Panel, click Group Device Management. If this icon is not visible, go to Tool > Group Device Management at the top instead.
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4.If the computer you are using is on the same network where the DVR is, you can click on Add online device and you should see a similar window below:

19307033928473 643w431h(If the computer is not on the same network, the click HERE)

5.Select the DVR by clicking it then Add Selected Device.
6.After doing so, type in a Device Name and the User Name and Password you set at the initial boot-up of the DVR.
7.Once you are done, click on Add and proceed to Importing Cameras
Computer is not on the same network
1.If the computer is not on the same network, click on Add Device and you should see the window below.
2.Enter the information needed. It should look something like this:
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3.Once you are done, click on Add and proceed to Importing Cameras

Importing cameras

The DVR will now be listed at the left. Click on Import All to add all cameras to the right with the Group name of DefaultGroup. Should look something similar to this:

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(You can click the triangle icon beside DefaultGroup to expand)

Viewing the cameras

1.To view the cameras, we need to go to Main View. To do so, go back to Control Panel > Main View
2.Just click and drag DefaultGroup to the right to load all of the channels.19307645519897
NOTE: if you are operating multiple DVRs and only want to load one DVR at a time, expand the DefaultGroup and only drag the required DVR

How to change the resolution of the recorder(HomeSafe View)?


1.Go and access the Menu then proceed to Display then Output.
2.Change the Resolution– pick a resolution that matches the display they are using.
a.For square monitors (usually VGA connection), these commonly accept 4:3 or 5:4 aspect ratio – you can start by choosing 1024*768 and other higher resolution such as 1280*1024.
b.For widescreen monitors (esp. TVs using HDMI connection), these commonly accept 16:9 aspect ratio – you should choose either 1280*720 (720p) or 1920*1080 (1080p).
3.Click Save – to save the settings.

How to enable audio recording (HomeSafe View)?

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Enable “Record Audio”

1.Access Menu then go to Record then Mainstream.
2.Change the Channel to where your microphone is connected (e.g. channel 1).
3.Tick the box beside Audio.
4.Click on Save to save the settings.
• Repeat these steps for the other channels if necessary.
• Repeat these steps on the Substream tab.

How to Export Recordings Using HomeSafe View on a PC or Mac


• Your recorder is connected to your local network or internet.
• You have the latest version of the mobile app. Click here to find the latest version available.

Choosing the download path

1. Open the HomeSafe View desktop app select Control Panel.

2. Select System Configuration. Note: You can also open this setting by going to Systems > System Configuration at the top navigation menu.

3. Click the File menu on the left. Take note of the Saving Path of Video Files location and video file type.

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• To select a different location, click the arrow down icon and navigate to a different directory. Click Choose to save.
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• To select a different video format for exported clips, click the arrow down icon next to the Download Record Type option and select from one of the available formats.

4. Click Save when done.

Searching recordings

1. Navigate to Control Panel > Remote Playback.
Note: If Control Panel is not available, click View > Control Panel at the top navigation menu.

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2. Click the arrow next to your recorder’s name to expand and see all the available channels. Select a channel to search.

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3. Choose the Stream Type.

• Mainstream = clear quality but may take a while to load.
• Substream = lower quality but faster loading time.

4. Select the type of file you want to search. It’s best to use All but the other options are below:

• Normal
• Alaarm
• Motion
• IORecord

5. Set the date by choosing the month, year, and date that you want to search.

6. Click on Search.

7. Tap on one of the clips found to select and hit the Play button. The playback progress will be displayed on the timeline.

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8. Once a video is playing, click an area on the timeline to select a specific time in the recording.

Downloading recordings

1. Click the Download icon.

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2. Choose a file by clicking its check box at the left.

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Note: Bigger files may take longer to download over the network.

How to Play Back Recordings in HomeSafe View on a PC or Mac


• Your recorder is connected to your local network or internet.
• You have the latest version of the mobile app. Click here to find the latest version available.

Searching recordings

1. Open the HomeSafe View desktop app and navigate to Control Panel > Remote Playback. Note: If Control Panel is not available, click View > Control Panel at the top navigation menu.

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2. Click the arrow next to your recorder’s name to expand and see all the available channels. Select a channel to search.

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3. Choose the Stream Type.

• Mainstream = clear quality but may take a while to load.
• Substream = lower quality but faster loading time.

4. Select the type of file you want to search. It’s best to use All but the other options are below:

• Normal
• Alaarm
• Motion
• IORecord

5. Set the date by choosing the month, year, and date that you want to search.

6. Click on Search.

7. Tap on one of the clips found to select and hit the Play button. The playback progress will be displayed on the timeline.

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8. Once a video is playing, click an area on the timeline to select a specific time in the recording.


Tip: The icons on the playback interface are: (from left to right) Play, Pause, Stop, Slow, Fast Forward, Forward one frame, Digital zoom, Capture, Record, Audio on/Mute, and Download.


How to play exported recordings on a computer (HomeSafe View)?

Choose the software to play the file you have

1.HomeSafe View and .264/.avi/.mp4 – for Windows and Mac
2.VideoPlayer – for Windows only
3.Other media player – instructions are for Windows but you can still try other software on either Windows or Mac

HomeSafe View and .264/.avi/.mp4

1.Open HomeSafe View software – if you don’t have the software yet, you can download it from these links:


2.Click File located at the top left.
3.Select Open Video File.
5.Click the + icon – this will let you choose a file.
6.Look for the exported file – double click the file once you’ve found it.
6.Watch the clip – video will start playing.
1.Open the VideoPlayer – if you don’t have it yet, you can download it from HERE.
2.Click the + icon located at the top left – this will let you choose a file.
3.Look for the exported file – double click the file once you’ve found it.
4.Select the file to play – double click to play the file.
5.Watch the clip – video will start playing.
Other media player


1.Look for the file – locate where you saved the file.
2.Open with your media player – right-click on the file and choose ‘Open with’ then choose your desired media player. VLC can play most media files

How to playback recordings (HomeSafe View)?

Searching footage

1.Access Menu then go to Search then General.
2.Choose the channel you want to search.
3.Leave Type on All to get all types of recording.
4.Set the Month and Year to your desired range.
5.Click on Search.
menu search generalThe calendar below will show an orange triangle on each date if there is footage found on that day.

6.Set your Start Time and End Time – if you prefer to be more specific on the results.
7.Click Play – to view the footage.
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Playback Interface

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You will then arrive at the Playback interface. NB: Multiple channel playback may not be available if the recorder does not have enough spare resources.

In the upper left, you will see the calendar. You may choose alternative viewing dates from here.

Next to it is the Playback Type followed by the list of channels that has footage on the selected date.

At the bottom-left part of the interface, you will see the timeline. You can change its scale by clicking the options in the lower left. You may select 24hr, 2hr, 1hr, or 30min view scales.

How to playback recordings in HomeSafe View mobile app


• Your recorder is connected to your local network or internet.
• You have the latest version of the mobile app. Click here to find the latest version available.

Searching recordings

1. Open the HomeSafe View app and tap the Menu icon (top left).

mobile playback1

2. Tap Playback and then the recorder icon.

3. Choose a Year and Month you want to search from.

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4. Choose the Stream Type.

• Mainstream = clear quality but may take a while to load.
• Substream = lower quality but faster loading time.

5. Tap the arrow to see the available channels.

• A channel highlighted in blue means there are recordings to show.

6. Select a specific date. Note: The app will only show the dates that has recordings based on the selected channel, month, and year.

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7. Select the type of file you want to search. It’s best to use All but the other options are below:

• Normal
• Alarm
• Motion
• IORecord

8. Tap on Confirm to start playing a file.

9. Tap on one of the clips found to select and hit the Play button. The playback progress will be displayed on the timeline.

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10.  On the playback interface, you can swipe the timeline bar to select a specific time in the recording.

Playback recordings on HomeSafe View app

Searching recordings


Open HomeSafe View app then tap Menu icon at the top left.


Tap the Playback.


Tap the recorder icon on the top right corner.


Scroll to Choose a Year and Month you want to search from.


Choose a Stream Type.

Mainstream = clear quality but may take a while to load depending on your connection.

Substream = lower quality but faster loading time


Tap the arrow beside the recorder to expand.


Choose a channel. Put a checkmark or tick next to the channel you want to see.

Select a specific date. These numbers are the specific date. It will only shows dates that has recording based on the channel, month, and year specified.

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Scroll Up or Down to select the type of file you want to search; best to just leave it on All.

Tap on Confirm to start playing a file. Swipe the timeline below to adjust the time.

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Playback recordings on HomeSafe View software

Searching recordings

1. Open HomeSafe View and go to Control Panel.

2. Click on Remote Playback.

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1 – Choose a camera or cameras – checkbox will be checked.
2 – Choose a Stream Type – Mainstream* can give higher image quality but may take a while to load while Substream can load faster but with lesser image quality.

3 – Choose a file type – you can leave it on All to show all recorded files.

4 – Synchronous Playback – if you want 2 more cameras to playback videos at the same time
5 – Set a date – choose a month, year, then date that you want to search. Then click on Search.

6 – Click Play – this will play the very first video on the timeline.

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Pick a time – once a video is playing, click an area on the timeline below to select a specific time of the day.

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*NB: The main stream is the full quality stream. As this is high bandwidth, not all connections to your recorder may be capable of delivering sufficient data to make this playback possible. Playback via software is supported only on local network connections. However, some internet connections may be capable.


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