Vivint Devices Latest Firmware – Update Upgrade

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Panel – Update Firmware

It is best practice to keep your panel firmware up-to-date. Putting off updates can lead to system issues and connectivity problems. Let’s get you updated! You can do this from the panel itself or from your Vivint Smart Home App.

Vivint Devices Latest Firmware – Update Upgrade

Low effort
Typically takes 8-10 minutes
Must be completed at home

From the Panel

  1. At your panel, open your menu by pressing the 3 dots in the corner.

    9232 01SmartHubhomescreen

  2. Select General.

    9232 02SmartHubGeneral

  3. Enter your PIN.

    9232 03Smart%20HubPINscreen

  4. If your panel is already on the latest update, the option will be grayed and say “Panel is up to date.” If not, it will list the newest firmware option next to Software Update and allow you to select it.

    9232 04SmartHubsoftwareisuptodate

  5. You will be asked to confirm that you want to proceed. Press Yes.

    9232 05Smart%20Hubupdatefirmwarepopup

  6. You panel will install the update. This may take several minutes, depending on how long it has been since you updated and your internet speed.


From the App

  1. From your app, open your menu by pressing the three lines in the bottom left corner, then select Settings.

    9232 06SmartHomeAppAndroidmenu

  2. Select your panel (Smart Hub or SkyControl).

    9232 07SmartHomeAppAndroidsettings

  3. If your panel firmware is up to date, it will tell you. If not, it will say Update Available and list the version. You will select the word Update in green.

    9232 08SmartHomeAppAndroidupdateavailable

  4. You will be prompted to confirm. Press Update to continue.

    9232 09SmartHomeAppAndroidupdateconfirmationpopup

  5. It will confirm that your update has been initiated and give you a progress bar. This may take several minutes, depending on how long it has been since you updated and your internet speed.

    9232 10SmartHomeAppAndroidupdateinitiated


Not working?

Your panel must be connected to the internet in order to install the update. If your panel is offline, click here.

If you need additional assistance, please contact us.

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