V380 Camera Firmware Update Guide

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V380 Camera Firmware Update Guide

Load more : V380 IP Camera Installation Software download

· After the camera is connected to the mobile phone, check [System Software Version] on the V380App-[Device Configuration]-[Device Upgrade] screen.

IMG 8381

How to upgrade the device firmware version

· Method 1: After the camera is connected to the mobile phone, click the [Settings] button in the lower right corner of the V380App device list screen – enter the [Device Information] screen – click [Firmware Update Detection], click the blue button to start the upgrade after searching for the upgrade file
. Method 2 : If the device cannot be upgraded online, contact technical personnel to obtain the upgrade package.

POE power supply problem

The device itself does not reserve this function. This function can be implemented through an external transfer splitter.

Note: You cannot directly wire from the network port to the power connector on the circuit board. This can result in insufficient system voltage.

How to add a networked device to your phone

Method one: Manually add
1, open the [device list] interface, click [+] in the upper right corner
2, select [WiFi connection completed] or [other ways]
3, after entering the ID and password [OK add], the system jumps to the device List, the newly added device is displayed in the first place in the device list.

Method 2: Local Area Network Addition (Only if the camera and the mobile phone are connected to the same network)
1. Open the Device List screen, Pull down the screen to refresh the device list.
2. The system automatically searches for the LAN device and automatically adds the device display. In the first place of the device list
, successful adding, the preview needs to enter the correct access password (as shown below)

IMG 8284

4, the device’s first networked device password is empty, need to set a password

Can a V380 account login on several different devices at the same time?

· V380 account can not login on different devices at the same time, if you login on a second device, the account on the first device will be forced out
. If you want to view on different devices,please use different accounts or use“local login”.

V380 camera resolution

· 1MP products (720P_normal): 1080×720
· 1.3MP products (960P_normal): 1280×960
· 1.3MP products (960P_pano): 960×960
· 2MP products (1080P_normal): 1920×1080
· 2MP products (1080P_normal): 1080×1080
· 3MP products (1536P_pano): 1536×1536
· SD sub-stream (VGA): 640×480

Camera speaks”abnormal WiFi module”

· The network connection is abnormal. Try to restart the device or restore the factory settings.Reconfigure the network.

Does the V380 camera have to be connected to external power?

The V380 product has no built-in battery and cannot be charged. It must be connected to an external power supply to supply power to the system.

Note: Please use a power supply that has a stable voltage and meets the safety standards to supply power to the device. Failure to do so may result in the device failing to start up or functioning abnormally.

Does the V380 PRO software support third-party login?

· V380 PRO software supports V380 account and login to software through a third party
· You can enjoy cloud synchronization, cloud storage and other services through the login software

6 thoughts on “V380 Camera Firmware Update Guide”

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