iMaxCamPro Firmwares 2024

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iMaxCamPro Firmwares 2024, The purpose of this guide is to show you how to upgrade the firmware on iMaxCamPro IP cameras on your network that aren’t directly connected to your NVR in the PoE ports. This guide assumes that these cameras are already on your network and have been accessible on the local network by your NVR. If that isn’t the case, please follow this guide first to configure any and all of your cameras for your local network.

If you don’t have it on your computer already, download the IP Configuration Utility located here. Extract that file and then open up the folder that it created. Double click on the file show below:

Bronze, Gold, and Platinum iMaxCamPro DVR’s

configtool 605w463h

Now in the ConfigTool window that was launched earlier, near the bottom left of the window, select IPv4 from the IP Version selection field and you should see some listings for the IP cameras connected. Click on the first one listed and then click on the Login button.

configtool ip 605w469h

You should then see the following window appear:

configtool login 605w485h

Click on the Login button to enter into the menu that will allow you to upgrade your IP camera(s). Then click on the System Information tab and make note of the current build date of firmware that is in your camera and make sure that the version you downloaded is newer than the version on the camera.

configtool system information 605w459h

Next, click on the System Upgrade tab and then click on the Open button.

configtool system upgrade 605w463h

Find the firmware file that you had downloaded, select it and then click on Open

configtool system upgrade file 605w467h

After pressing the Open button, you should see the file path of the firmware file you selected in the Upgrade File field. Press the Upgrade button and you should see the progress bar move as the file is being transmitted and again as the upgrade process is occurring. Please do not disconnect or remove power to camera while this process is occurring, otherwise you may cause irreparable damage to the camera.

configtool system upgrading 605w471h

Once the upgrade process is completed, you will see the following window pop up, indicating that the upgrade process has completed. Click on the OK button and the camera will then reboot and the program will take you back to the main ConfigTool window.

configtool system upgrade completed 605w462h

The camera will take anywhere from 1-3 minutes to reboot fully. After this time, you can click on the Refresh button to see if the camera is again seen on the network. If you would like, you can log back into the camera and click on the System Information tab to see if the upgrade process reflects in the new firmware build date.

Clicking on the Return button will take you back to main window. You will need to repeat this process for each of the cameras on your network, and also making sure that if you have differnent models of camera to use the correct firmware update file. Should you have any questions during this process, feel free to give our Technical Support department a call and they will be able to help you at any stage of this process.

iMaxCamPro Firmwares 2024

Bronze, Gold, and Platinum iMaxCamPro DVR’s
Back to iMaxCamPro Support | Support Home

The purpose of this guide is to show you how to upgrade the firmware on iMaxCamPro IP cameras on your network that aren’t directly connected to your NVR in the PoE ports. This guide assumes that these cameras are already on your network and have been accessible on the local network by your NVR. If that isn’t the case, please follow this guide first to configure any and all of your cameras for your local network.

If you don’t have it on your computer already, download the IP Configuration Utility located here. Extract that file and then open up the folder that it created. Double click on the file show below:


Now in the ConfigTool window that was launched earlier, near the bottom left of the window, select IPv4 from the IP Version selection field and you should see some listings for the IP cameras connected. Click on the first one listed and then click on the Login button.


You should then see the following window appear:


Click on the Login button to enter into the menu that will allow you to upgrade your IP camera(s). Then click on the System Information tab and make note of the current build date of firmware that is in your camera and make sure that the version you downloaded is newer than the version on the camera.

system information

Next, click on the System Upgrade tab and then click on the Open button.

system upgrade

Find the firmware file that you had downloaded, select it and then click on Open


After pressing the Open button, you should see the file path of the firmware file you selected in the Upgrade File field. Press the Upgrade button and you should see the progress bar move as the file is being transmitted and again as the upgrade process is occurring. Please do not disconnect or remove power to camera while this process is occurring, otherwise you may cause irreparable damage to the camera.


Once the upgrade process is completed, you will see the following window pop up, indicating that the upgrade process has completed. Click on the OK button and the camera will then reboot and the program will take you back to the main ConfigTool window.

upgrade completed

The camera will take anywhere from 1-3 minutes to reboot fully. After this time, you can click on the Refresh button to see if the camera is again seen on the network. If you would like, you can log back into the camera and click on the System Information tab to see if the upgrade process reflects in the new firmware build date.

Clicking on the Return button will take you back to main window. You will need to repeat this process for each of the cameras on your network, and also making sure that if you have differnent models of camera to use the correct firmware update file. Should you have any questions during this process, feel free to give our Technical Support department a call and they will be able to help you at any stage of this process.

Here are the most recent firmware versions for our most popular iMaxCamPro DVR/NVR/HD recorders and IP cameras. Download the firmware update file that matches your product and follow the instructions to upgrade your DVR/NVR/HD-SDI DVR/HD-CVI DVRhere, or if you are upgrading any IP cameras, instructions can be found here. If you do not see your device on this list or have any questions about the upgrade process, please feel free to contact us:

To download these files you may need to enter the following informaton:

Username: wec

Password: WEC1234$


DVR Model


Analog DVRs

imaxcampro bronze lite

Bronze Lite Series (4 channel)

Build (2013-02-04)

imaxcampro bronze lite 1

Bronze Lite Series (8 channel)

Build (2013-02-04)

imaxcampro bronze lite 2

Bronze Lite Series (16 channel)

Build (2013-02-04)

imaxcampro bronze

Bronze Series (before 2012)

Build (2013-03-12)

imaxcampro bronze 1

Bronze Series (after 2012)

Build (2013-02-23)

imaxcampro gold

Gold Series (4/8/16 channel)

Build (2013-03-12)

imaxcampro gold 1

Gold Series (24/32 channel)

Build (2013-11-22)

imaxcampro silver lite

Silver Series (4 channel)

Build (2013-07-26)

imaxcampro silver lite 1

Silver Series (8 channel)

Build (2013-07-26)

imaxcampro silver lite 2

Silver Series (16 channel)

Build (2013-07-26)

imaxcampro platinum


Build (2013-02-18)

imaxcampro platinum lite

Platinum Lite Series

Build (2013-02-18)

Hybrid (Analog/IP) DVRs

imaxcampro platinum hybrid

Platinum Hybrid

Build (2013-04-03)

imaxcampro platinum hybrid pro

Platinum Hybrid Pro

Build (2013-05-29)


imaxcampro hd sdi lite


Build (2013-06-09)
Build (2014-01-09)

imaxcampro hd sdi pro


Build (2013-06-09)
Build (2014-01-09)

imaxcampro hd sdi


Build (2013-06-09)
Build (2014-01-09)


imaxcampro imax mini

NVR iMax Mini Series

Build (2013-10-23)

imaxcampro nvr poe vertical

NVR PoE Vertical Series

Build (2013-10-23)

imaxcampro nvr silver series

NVR Silver Series

Build (2013-10-23)

imaxcampro nvr poe

NVR PoE Series (120fps @1080p)

Build (2013-10-23)

imaxcampro nvr silver pro

NVR Silver Pro Series (240fps @ 1080p)

Build (2014-01-10)

imaxcampro nvr pro 1

NVR Pro Series 1.5U (240fps @ 1080p)

Build (2014-01-10)

imaxcampro nvr pro 2u 358w93h

NVR Ultra Series 2U

Build (2016-11-29)

imaxcampro nvr pro 2u

NVR Pro Series 2U (240fps @ 1080p)

Build (2014-01-10)

IP Cameras

imaxcampro ip720

WEC-IP720 Camera

Build (2013-12-24)

imaxcampro ip2mpir


Build (2013-12-24)

imaxcampro ip vandal 1


Build (2013-12-24)

imaxcampro ip vandal 2


Build (2013-12-24)

imaxcampro ipcyl13

WEC-IPCYL13 Camera

Build (2013-12-24)

imaxcampro 20ipcyl

WEC-20IPCYL Camera

Build (2013-12-24)



Build (2013-12-24)



Build (2013-12-24)

imaxcampro ipdome


Build (2013-12-24)

imaxcampro wec iramd30a

WEC-IRAMD30A Camera (Ambarella)

Build (2014-04-19)

imaxcampro wec audioda30a

WEC-AudioDA30A Camera (Ambarella)

Build (2014-04-19)

imaxcampro wec irafd30a mz

WEC-IRAFD30A-MZ Camera (Ambarella)

Build (2014-04-19)

imaxcampro wec ipptz13

WEC-IPPTZ13 Mini 4X PTZ Camera

Build (2016-05-17)

imaxcampro ipind


Build (2014-04-19)

imaxcampro ip12x ptz i


Build (2013-09-30)

imaxcampro c12x ptz f

WEC-C12X-PTZ-F Camera

Build (2013-09-30)

imaxcampro imax ip12x ptz o camera


Build (2013-09-30)



Build (2013-03-14)

imaxcampro ptz30hnz


Build (2013-03-14)

imaxcampro ipptz


Build (2013-03-14)

imaxcampro ptz 30z ir

IMAX-PTZ-30Z-IR Camera

Build (2013-03-14)

Bronze, Gold, and Platinum iMaxCamPro DVR’s
Back to iMaxCamPro Support | Support Home

Here are the most recent firmware versions for our most popular iMaxCamPro DVR/NVR/HD recorders and IP cameras. Download the firmware update file that matches your product and follow the instructions to upgrade your DVR/NVR/HD-SDI DVR/HD-CVI DVR here, or if you are upgrading any IP cameras, instructions can be found here. If you do not see your device on this list or have any questions about the upgrade process, please feel free to contact us:


Analog DVRs

bronze lite

Bronze Lite Series (4 channel)

Build (2013-02-04) 

 bronze lite 1

Bronze Lite Series (8 channel)

Build (2013-02-04)

 bronze lite 2

Bronze Lite Series (16 channel)

Build (2013-02-04) 


Bronze Series (before 2012):

Build (2013-03-12)

 bronze 1

Bronze Series (after 2012)

Build (2013-02-23)


Gold Series (4/8/16 channel)

Build (2013-03-12)

 gold 1

Gold Series (24/32 channel)

Build (2013-11-22)

 silver lite

Silver Series (4 channel)

Build (2013-07-26)

 silver lite 1

Silver Series (8 channel)

Build (2013-07-26)

 silver lite 2

Silver Series (16 channel)

Build (2013-07-26)



Build (2013-02-18)

 platinum lite

Platinum Lite Series 

 Build (2013-02-18)

Hybrid (Analog/IP) DVRs

platinum hybrid

Platinum Hybrid

Build (2013-04-03)

platinum hybrid pro

Platinum Hybrid Pro

Build (2013-05-29)


hd sdi lite


Build (2013-06-09)
Build (2014-01-09)

hd sdi pro


Build (2013-06-09)
Build (2014-01-09)

hd sdi


Build (2013-06-09)
Build (2014-01-09)


imax mini

NVR iMax Mini Series

Build (2013-10-23)

nvr poe vertical

NVR PoE Vertical Series

Build (2013-10-23)

 nvr silver

NVR Silver Series

Build (2013-10-23)

nvr poe

NVR PoE Series (120fps @1080p)

Build (2013-10-23)

 nvr silver pro

NVR Silver Pro Series (240fps @ 1080p)

Build (2014-01-10)

nvr pro 1

NVR Pro Series 1.5U (240fps @ 1080p)

Build (2014-01-10)

nvr pro 2u

NVR Pro Series 2U (240fps @ 1080p)

Build (2014-01-10)

IP Cameras


WEC-IP720 Camera

Build (2013-12-24)



Build (2013-12-24)

 ip vandal 1


Build (2013-12-24)

 ip vandal 2


Build (2013-12-24)


WEC-IPCYL13 Camera

Build (2013-12-24)


WEC-20IPCYL Camera

Build (2013-12-24)



Build (2013-12-24)



Build (2013-12-24)



Build (2013-12-24)

wec iramd30a

WEC-IRAMD30A Camera (Ambarella)

Build (2014-04-19)

wec audioda30a

WEC-AudioDA30A Camera (Ambarella)

Build (2014-04-19)

wec irafd30a mz

WEC-IRAFD30A-MZ Camera (Ambarella)

Build (2014-04-19)



Build (2014-04-19)

ip12x ptz i


Build (2013-09-30) 

c12x ptz f

WEC-C12X-PTZ-F Camera

Build (2013-09-30) 

ip12x ptz o

IMAX-IP12X-PTZ-O Camera 

Build (2013-09-30) 


Build (2013-03-14) 



Build (2013-03-14) 



Build (2013-03-14) 

ptz 30z ir

IMAX-PTZ-30Z-IR Camera

Build (2013-03-14)


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