How to upgrade a Bosch security

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How to upgrade a Bosch Security

Bosch Security CPP: Combined firmware package – applicable to all platforms

The Release Letter for CPP 7.72.1118 provides information about the dependencies between firmware versions for a better understanding of the upgrade process of devices with older firmware.

To find a combined firmware file in the downloadstore you can use the following URL syntax:

CCP4 and CPP6 devices:

Due to an internal file system being introduced to CPP4 and CPP6 since firmware 6.10 and architectural changes thereof, a direct upgrade from firmware below version 6.10 to latest firmware is only possible via intermediate firmware 6.1x.

  • CPP4 cameras

    • upgrade from FW < 6.10 to intermediate FW 6.11
    • upgrade from FW < 6.50 to intermediate FW 6.50
    • upgrade EXTEGRA from FW 6.10 or newer to latest FW 6.32
    • upgrade from FW 6.50 (<6.51) to latest FW 7.10

  • CPP6 cameras 
    • upgrade from FW < 6.50 to intermediate FW 6.50
    • upgrade from FW 6.50 (<6.51) to latest FW 7.70

 CPP5 devices:

This combined firmware cannot be applied to CPP5 products with firmware version older than 5.91. It is required to upgrade to intermediate firmware 5.91 first

How to upgrade a Bosch security
How to upgrade a Bosch security

Load More : Bosch Security latest firmware software

This means that intermediate firmware version 5.91 for CPP5 needs to be requested from your technical support. Only after receiving and uploading firmware 5.91, you can upload the latest version CPP5 specific firmware  available on the Download Store (currently 6.31.0010).

Note: Upgrading from versions lower than 5.5x

To upgrade to a newer firmware version using this combined firmware package, firmware versions before 5.5x require an intermediate update cycle using the respective platform firmware version mentioned above.


  • This firmware and its included platform firmware builds are not applicable to MPEG-4 products.
  • The final firmware version for VIP-X1600-XFM4 modules is FW 5.53. No newer firmware will be provided for these modules.
  • Configuration Manager cannot upload this Combined Firmware file to VIP-X1600-XFM4 modules. Use the module’s web page instead for uploading; or use the separate firmware file.
  • The final firmware version for CPP3 devices is FW 5.75. No newer firmware will be provided for these products.
  • The Combined Firmware file does not load onto VG4 AUTODOME or AUTODOME Easy II via the browser when running a firmware version before 5.52.0017. The specific platform file should be used instead.

(Note: In case any link might not work to the current DownloadStore, see attached a copy PDF of the Release Letter.)

How to get and request a BOSCH Legacy Firmware:

The procedure to request and get an legacy firmware that is no longer online in the web is as follows:

  1. Customers are kindly requested to reach out to the local BOSCH Support (Central Solutions and Support Group teams).
  2. Bosch Support Group will ask for the exact BOSCH Commercial Type Number (CTN).
    The local BOSCH team can check the Global End of service date.
    The project background (How many of these devices/cameras) need to be collected.
  3. The relevant BOSCH Technical Support can explain and check if there is the chance to update the project and included management software in order to be able to use the latest BOSCH device firmware as the goal is to have a non-vulnerable product in productive environments.
  4. In case there is no newer firmware available (hardware was discontinued), a commercial hardware upsell can be recommended.
  5. In general all firmware that is not available on the product catalog, and for all firmware files that are ranked to have vulnerabilities, this need to be documented in a Technical Support case.
  6. In case legacy firmware is anyhow needed and requested by our customers, the Bosch Technical support will start an approval flow. The BOSCH Level 3 Technical Support will provide a form/document that must be signed by the installer/customer. See an example PDF (empty) “Example_Aged_Software_Release_form.pdf” attached to this article. Such a form will be prepared by the BOSCH Level 3 Technical support team and provided to our customer/installer in order to confirm that legacy firmware is then used on the risk of the installer and customer (See text and legal note in the PDF). In the future BOSCH plan to introduce and setup a self-service portal for all customers to simplify this process.


The above mentioned combined firmware 6.50 supports:

  • CPP7.3 HD and UHD cameras
    update from FW 6.40 or newer to latest FW 6.50
  • CPP7 UHD cameras
    update from FW 6.30 or newer to latest FW 6.50
  • CPP6 UHD cameras
    update from FW 6.10 or newer to latest FW 6.50
  • CPP5 encoders
    update from FW 5.91 or newer to latest FW 6.30
  • CPP4 HD cameras
    update from FW < 6.10 to intermediate FW 6.11
    update from FW 6.10 or newer to latest FW 6.50
  • CPP3 cameras and encoders
    update from FW 4.54.0026 or newer to latest FW 5.74
    VIP-X1600-XFM4 encoders: update from FW 4.2x or newer to latest FW 5.53
    VJT XF and VJD-3000 update to latest FW 5.97

The combined firmware package includes the following build versions:

  • CPP7.3 FW 6.50.0128
  • CPP7 H.264 6.50.0128
  • CPP6 H.264 6.50.0128
  • CPP5 H.264 6.30.0059
  • CPP4 H.264 6.50.0128
  • CPP4 H.264 6.11.0021
  • CPP3 H.264 5.74.0010
  • CPP-ENC H.264 5.97.0005 for VJT XF family, VJD-3000 and VJC-7000
  • CPP-ENC H.264 5.53.0004 for VIP X1600 XFM4

For detailed description please refer to the separate release letters.

Customers can upload such combined firmware packages by using multi-select in the Configuration tool “BOSCH Configuration Manager” (currently available in version 06.01.0157 at the BOSCH DownloadStore or Product catalog > Video Software > Video Management Systems > Configuration Manager)

When using the multi-select option in Configuration Manager, please make sure this combined firmware package for all platforms can be uploaded to all the devices selected and there are no additional requirements or intermediate steps needed for any of the devices in question.

This article has status of 24th of March 2021 and changes in this procedure might be introduced. When changes are done, then this article will be updated. Therefore check this article from time to time.

Option 1:

Can be found in the Support Bundle file under “Firmware Inventory” as seen below.

Here is an article where is explained:

1-Where you can find the firmware version of DSA E2800.png

Option 2:

1. Go to SANtricity System Manager > Support > Support Center

2-Where you can find the firmware version of DSA E2800.png

2.Scroll down to the “View storage array properties” section:

3-Where you can find the firmware version of DSA E2800.png



A) If you would like to search for the BVMS version that can be used according to the firmware version of your DSA E2800, please check the following link:

B) The Serial Number (SN) of your DSA E2800 is displayed under Support > Support Center in the upper right corner:

4-Where you can find the firmware version of DSA E2800.png

MIC IP 7000i/ 9000i Bosch camera – Camera Block Firmware Upgrade

MIC IP 7000i/ 9000i Bosch camera – Camera Block Firmware Upgrade for Firmware 7.60.0118 and higher




MIC 7000i with FW 7.72 shows blurred images.

After restart, the quality of the image is good for a short time, but the issue reappear.

Only Applicable to these models:

  • MIC 7000i (MIC-7502-Z30x)
  • MIC 9000i (MIC-9502-Z30x)


System Requirements

  • Web Browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 or Mozilla Firefox; DirectX 11;
  • Bosch MPEG-ActiveX 6.33 and Configuration Manager 6.20 or higher

1 MIC IP 7000i 9000i Bosch camera - Camera Block Firmware Upgrade for Firmware 7.60.0118 and higher.png

Prerequisite – Serial Numbers impacted (Camera block FW less than v1.06)

  • A new camera block was released in November 2018, but the CTN # didn’t change. The two digit lot code in the serial number was incremented.
    This upgrade is only applicable to this lot code or higher.

NOTE: If the CTN # isn’t provided, the 4th digit of the S/N is the Type Code that can be used to identify the applicable CTN. Please note that the digits 13 and 14 Lot Code ranges are different for each CTN.

The upgrade takes place in two steps.

• The first step is to update the entire camera using either Configuration Manager (CM) or the Web Browser. This uses the standard upgrade process.
• The second step requires the Web Browser to start the internal camera block FW upgrade. Once the camera block FW upgrade has started, the remainder of the upgrade takes place inside the camera.


Step 1:

FW upgrade to FW 7.60.0116 or higher – Using either CM or Web Browser
– These MIC cameras should never have any FW version less than 6.60.

• In order to upload version 6.51 or higher to a device running a firmware version below 6.50, you need to upgrade first to version 6.50, since older firmware versions do not support firmware file
• A video loss after the upgrade is possible. If this occurs, reset the camera again.
• It is recommended to Default the camera after the 7.60 FW upgrade is completed.

Step 2:

Camera block upgrade to FW 1.06 – This step must be initiated using the Web Browser.
– Neither the Live page nor the Live preview window will refresh during the camera block FW upgrade, since no video is available for during this time. Video recording is also not possible during this process.
– Make sure the camera has power continuously. (Do not remove power to the camera during the upgrade)

1. Browse to the CONFIGURATION>SERVICE>LOGGING>EVENT LOGGING; and then select NOTICE from the CURRENT LOG LEVEL drop down box. This is required to be able to see the progress of the FW upload.

2. In the URL field in the camera’s Configuration page, type the text that follows:

  • http://<IPAddress>/Settings.html#page_cam_upload

3. The “Camera module upload” window appears and the current version of the camera block FW version is checked.

– If the FW upgrade isn’t needed or isn’t applicable, then the message “Camera upload possible: 0” is displayed and the Start Upload button is disabled.
– If an upgrade is required, the message “Camera upload possible: 1” will be displayed and Start Upload button will be available.

2 MIC IP 7000i 9000i Bosch camera - Camera Block Firmware Upgrade for Firmware 7.60.0118 and higher.png

4. Click Start upload. The camera begins the firmware upload cycle which will take approximately 15 minutes.

  •  Do not navigate to another GUI page and Do not remove power to the camera!


5. The progress of the FW upload is tracked and updated in the web browser. This screen shot is the example of the beginning of the process.

  • Do not navigate to another GUI page and Do not remove power to the camera!

3 MIC IP 7000i 9000i Bosch camera - Camera Block Firmware Upgrade for Firmware 7.60.0118 and higher.png

6. After the upload completes successfully, the message will go back to “Camera upload possible: 0”and the Start Upload button will be disabled again. The camera will reboot automatically.

7. After the reboot cycle completes, change the EVENT LOGGING LEVEL back to WARNING.

8. If the original FW was less than 7.10 then a Factory Default is recommended. If a factory default is going to create problems with the VMS, then use the camera as is. If any video quality or focus issues occur, then do a factory default.

4 MIC IP 7000i 9000i Bosch camera - Camera Block Firmware Upgrade for Firmware 7.60.0118 and higher.png

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